
This is a legacy version that had quite some success over the years. If there is enough demand we might just reboot it.

RhythmGame is our rhythm learning tool

Yet another rhythm tap game? Noooooooooooooooo!

Yes, but this one is like no other. We included only real rhythms from all over the world straight out of our PercussionTutor app. Game-play should be obvious 30 seconds into the game. Take a look at the screenshots.

You can buy the optional in-app purchase to unlock all levels and help us expand to other cultures: India, North Africa, the Middle East, the World! Or keep on playing and unlock level by level.

What you will get

  • Authentic rhythms from Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Peru, Brazil and West Africa.
  • Real percussion instruments with high quality samples.
  • A deeper understanding of groove & pulse in different musical styles.
  • Free updates (as we do with PercussionTutor).
  • A gentle feedback when you are “rushing” or “dragging”.

What you won’t get

  • Instant gratification (except during the first levels).
  • Sterile beats out of a dead plastic box although we dig all kinds of electronic music so we added one level for now.
  • 3D graphics, virtual reality and full sensory deprivation except if you try to play a clave for several hours WITHOUT any variation.
  • Groovy Zombies.
  • The guarantee to become a better drummer, guitar player, bass player in less than an hour, a day, a week or a year. Sorry it takes a lifetime for all of us.
  • GIFs of cats & kittens but this one is on the top of our list.
  • Dead kittens every time you fail at a level. Give Samba Batucada a run and hope for the best. You just got the difference between dragging and rushing, didn’t you?
  • A special Christmas or Halloween edition but we will release many free UPDATES as we do with PercussionTutor. Of course if lots of people pay the 1.99 unlock we will work on an Easter special.