
We keep our privacy policy simple and short.

For our new k-metronome app on Google Play and in the Apple App Store we don’t collect any data.

For our latest app release, “The Aquatic Museum – Souvenir Shop App“, we don’t collect any data.

To download the free book PercussionTutor book we need your email address to send you a download link. If you opt-in to our newsletter you will get updates on new releases and you can unsubscribe at any time. Last year we sent out 3 newsletters so no need to worry about overloading your inbox. We will never share your information with third partners.

For PercussionTutor on Android we have implemented Unity Analytics, not Ads(!). Unity Analytics collects gameplay and device data. This information is collected to improve Unity-built games and apps by providing analytics, diagnostic, and usage information to us. Unity also uses the data to allows us to tune their apps for player devices and create personalised experiences.

Under you can find Unity’s privacy police.

In the PercussionTutor Android app under the Privacy Menu on the home screen you will find the following button which will open Unity’s website where you can request your data and opt-out.